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Welcome to

Hope Church of

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Our Mission Statement

The mission of Hope Church is to speak and live the gospel of Jesus Christ, in this place and the world, and through the Holy Spirit to cultivate and commit Christians to the glory of God.

Mission of the Month:
Lincoln Park First Aid Squad

The June Misison of the Month is the  Lincoln Park First Aid Squad. Their primary focus is to promote life safety by providing the highest level of emergency service. It remains a volunteer led non-profit, tax-exempt organization. They provide pre-hospital emergency response, care and transport to Lincoln  Park residents. Coordinating  with Police Officers, Dispatchers, Advanced Life Support responders
to ensure we have a cohesive response. To support Lincoln Park EMS can write checks to the church, and/or use the Missions envelopes, and note that your contribution is for the June Mission of the Month. Thank you


It's often said here that we love our "church family", and it's really the truth. One great thing about this church is that we like spending time with one another, encouraging one another in our faith. With all that said, we love when our family grows, whether by new babies born or by bringing in new people from outside our building. We really mean what we say: there's a place for you here!

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Watch Our Services

Click below to watch all previous services and streamed events on our Youtube channel

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV)

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